Monday, September 24, 2007

The Greatest Superpower

Ok, admittedly, my first post wasn't truly inspiring. So here goes...if I could gain the mastery of any superpower in the universe, it would no doubt be the ability to function forever without the necessity of...SLEEP. If I could remain awake on a continual basis I could simply wait until my archnemesis (and all superheroes have one) finally collapsed from exhaustion before I crushed him or her into oblivion. (It wouldn't make for the most exciting movie ending, but it would be effective). Most superheroes suffer premature burnout from all the double identity stress. Look at Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker...the poor guys are trying to save the world after a full day at the office! I, on the otherhand would require no downtime whatsoever. The race car that never has to make a pit stop would no doubt win the race! I would also add approximately 6-7 hours out of everyday to the time that I am actually awake and experiencing life. Over a lifetime, that adds up to a signficant amount of opportunity to accomplish things.


Jula the Amazing Blog Person said...

Lets just say.. amen to that!!

Josh said...

If you didn't have to sleep you wouldn't need coffee. If you don't need coffee, Starbucks AND Tim Hortons both go out of business. Apocalyptic situation we're dealing with here, Searcy. Be careful.